Why invest?

Back ideas and founders you believe in, without your heart in your mouth.
Innovative ideas are the future of Australian industry, and you can help. You may already know a founder, a passionate person with a great idea. You want to invest in their idea, but this is uncharted territory and you don’t know how it will play.
Here’s how we help: we manage and mitigate the risk in the first year so that you have a chance to see if the idea has traction. You can feel at ease in your support and founders can forge ahead with confidence. This fosters the best conditions for innovation.
We are inspired by the Y Combinator model for innovation: to fail fast. We all know you learn from your mistakes. But no one wants to hear the word ‘fail’ spoken around their investment. Our structure disentangles failure from financial loss. So even if the idea fails, investors have some protection. We give you the benefit of expert financial structuring that’s usually only used by the heavy hitters. In this environment more ideas are explored, they’re pursued more boldly, and we get to see what really works.
You as a taxpayer are in the position to give a good idea a chance, and have a real influence on innovation in Australia.
Why invest?

Success Stories

In our model even a failed idea is a good outcome as it helps push a founder to a better idea, and shareholders have protection.
When ideas are successful, it’s an extra win for founders, shareholders and industry. Here are some success stories. In these cases, the start-up applied their funding in the first year very effectively, proving the value and viability of their ideas and resulting in share price increases for investors. We’re proud that we helped get these worthy ideas off the ground.