An innovative company creating sophisticated investment structures and distribution platforms on a global scale.

Imaginary Investments (IMIN) is derived from the mathematical concept of imaginary numbers. For example division of negative numbers and calculation of rates of return when there is nil or negative investment.

IMIN creates investment structures that require little or no investment.

IMIN uses sophisticated concepts to managed and quantify risks.

IMIN opens investment structures to retail investors.

IMIN has global reach and application.

Innovation: the application of new algorithms investment structuring.

Key Highlights

  • Cashflow postive investments
  • Structured investments to maximise returns and minimise risk
  • Innovation that opens sophisticated products to retail investors
  • Transformation products that can provide renewable energy solutions to all

Why Invest

Imaginary Investments is the concept created in a 2014 paper presented to an Actuaries Australia Financial Services conference. It sets out the criteria for investment structures that are always cash flow positive to the investor.

Imaginary Investments Pty Ltd (IMIN), using research and development from the period since 2014, seeks to build and profit from relationships aimed at distributing these investment structures to retail networks where they should be greatly appreciated. Australia will be the base initially to establish a strong business model. The initial focus is on investment in ESIC companies as these provide a very high return combined with very low risk under current conditions. The business has developed strategies around silviculture, life settlements, home equity and renewable energy. New products will be rolled out in Australia and then the English speaking world over the next 3 years.

The business will continue to spend money on research and development as it demonstrates its positive impact to everyday people and develops a powerful and bankable reputation.