Development and commercialisation of DIY kits for sculpting living plants into furniture and artistic pieces.

Sculptree is raising between $600,000 and $2,000,000 to develop and release the first kits to nurseries and DIY stores around Australia, as well as set up the infrastructure required to grow a repertoire of plant varieties and build models for kit production and future releases. Sculptree will also build a website as a marketing and ordering platform – to showcase designs and gather consumer feedback.

Key Highlights

Sculptree will bring together horticulture and art/design to create timeless furniture pieces.

DIY kits will make the process of arborculture accessible to a wide market.

Kits can be scaled as to a volume international market.

Why Invest

Unique concept.

Will make arboculuture accessible to a wide general market.

High margins.

International market.

Highly scaleable.

First mover advantage.

High potential.